Treatment and Removal: Wasp Control in Calgary


Bumblebee Control in Calgary: Information

Bumblebees are one of the several types of bees that live in and around Texas homes. Bumble bees, and the similar carpenter bees are two of several types of bees that live in and around Calgary homes. Bumble bees are relatively large (15-25mm-long), robust bees covered with numerous hairs. They often have black bodies covered with black and yellow hairs that create a banded pattern. Approximately 50 species of bumble bees live in North America, most of which are important pollinators of flowers and, therefore, considered beneficial.


Insecticide sprays should never be applied to flowers for bumble bee control. Such applications are not effective and can harm other beneficial insects. The most effective control for bumblebees is to treat the nest. A small amount of insecticide dust, such as carbaryl (Sevin®) or other appropriately labeled product, should be applied to the mouth of the nest. Treatments are most effective if blown into the nest using a squeeze bottle (or similar) applicator. Aerosol or liquid insecticide sprays labeled for bee and wasp control can also be used, especially when nests have been dug up or exposed. Persons with allergies to bees or wasps should avoid attempting to treat bee nests, as there is always a chance of getting stung during treatment. Another option is to contact a professional pest management company for nest extermination.